The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.

Coastal & Northern B.C.


A correct map of the Cariboo Gold Regions

A Correct map...Northern Coal & Gold Regions..

A Correct map...Northern Coal & Gold Regions.. Frazer R. April 1858

A Correct map...Northern Coal and Gold Regions...Frazer R May 1858

Correct map of the Gold Diggings on Fraser's and Thompson's Rivers

Guide Map to the Big Bend Mines... (includes most of B.C.)

Harrison and Lillooet route to the Upper Fraser River

Kartes des Fraser River. (shows gold bars, rapids Ft Langley to Ft Yale)

Map of BC shewing the Gold Districts (+HBC+NA inset)

Map of Cariboo, Saskatchewan, Nez Perces etc Gold Fields

Map of Frazer's River, gold regions, on the North West coast

Map of Middle and Upper Fraser R for gold seekers

Map of the Gold Regions in British Columbia

Map of the Gold Regions of the Fraser River and Washington Terr... 9 Aug '58

Map of the Gold Regions of the Fraser River... 9 Aug '59

Map of the Skagit Gold Fields and the routes thereto

Map showing the different routes of region Fraser R

Miner's map of Frazer bearing...

New Eldorado in British America

Sketch of Frazer R and the New Gold Mines

Sketch showing the different routes of region Fraser R

Sketch... showing Fraser River route to Cariboo Gold mines

untitled, a skeleton map of BC showing Gold Regions c.1860

Vancouver's Island and the Frazer River Diggings

[British Columbia gold fields]

[Map of B.C.Charcoal Sketch. To the Fraser River (Bellingham-Fountain)

References and Repositories Abbreviations