The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.

Interior & Southern B.C.


BC Hope to Similkameen, Rock Ck & Lillooet to Kamloops

Exploration from Hope, Coquihalla, Nicolum, Sumallo, Skagit

First 7 miles of Mule Road, Hope to Similkameen

IR Lft Bank Similkameen, Vermillion Forks

IR Rt Bank Similkameen, Vermillion Forks

Map South Central BC Ft Colville, Ft Hope, Cottonwood Ck

Mule Rd Punchbowl Lake 2/3 "4"

Mule Rd Whipsaw Ck-Similkameen 3/3 "2"

Mule Rd. Hope to Similkameen -Hope to Punchbowl 1/3

Plan of part of Similkameen R. Vermilion Forks. (Princeton)

Plan. Hudson's Bay Company Claim Similkameen. Surveyed Turner 1865

Proposed exploration for trail Boundary Ck to Columbia R.

Reserves, Similkameen District

Rough sketch showing IRs N end Okanagan Lake, as selected by the Indians

Sketch map & profile southern B.C. Fraser R. to Ft Colville

Sketch map Boundary Ck & pt of Rock Ck. (Two 49th Parallels)

Sketch of explorations from Hope through the Coquihalla

Sketch of explorations from Hope through the defiles of the Coquihalla

Sketch of land applied for...McKay preemption, Keremeos Ck

Sketch of mule rd, Hope to Similkameen. General arrangements "2a"

Sketch of Rock Creek Town and Colville River

Sketch of route from Ft Hope to Fort Colville. (B&C traced) D=E 1/2

Sketch of trails in Similkameen & Okanagan Country

Sketch Trail to Similkameen (Dewdney Trail from Hope)

Strip plan of mule trail reworks contract, Hope Trail

[Sketch map of Okanagan, Shuswap, Columbia River, showing 2 routes]

References and Repositories Abbreviations