The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.
B.C. & North America
A chart of N. & S. America, including the Atlantic & Pacific
A general map of North America from the best surveys.
A general map of North America... from the year 1754 to 1761
A general map of the routes in Br.N A. explored... Palliser
A map exhibiting all the new discoveries in the Interior...
A Map exhibiting all the New Discoveries in the Interior... state #?
A Map exhibiting all the New Discoveries in the Interior... state #?
A Map exhibiting all the New Discoveries in the Interior... state #?
A Map exhibiting all the New Discoveries in the Interior... state #?
A Map exhibiting all the New Discoveries in the Interior... state #?
A Map exhibiting all the New Discoveries in the Interior... state #?
A Map exhibiting all the New Discoveries in the Interior...state 1? CV
A map exhibiting all the new discoveries... Arrowsmiths 1802 map
A Map of America...40-70'N....exhibiting Mackenzies track...Pacific
A Map of Hudson's Bay and rivers and lakes btwn Atlantic & Pacific...
A map of North America engraved for Priscilla Wakefield's ..
A map of North America from the latest authorities 1802...
A map of North America from the latest discoveries...
A map of the continent in 4 sheets by A. Arrowsmith
A map of the Northern parts of America, between 35 and 60 deg North
A map of the whole continent of America. Particularily the Br Emp Nth Am
A map of the whole continent of America...table treaty of Paris
A map of the world with the latest discoveries by the Revd..
A New & Accurate Map of America
A new & accurate map of N. A. drawn...authentic maps & chart
A new & accurate map of N.America...newly discovered islands
A new & accurate map of North America including Nootka Sd...
A new and accurate map of North America...
A new chart of the World on Mercator's projection.
A new general map of America..with Br.& Spanish disc to 1778
A new map of America exhibiting its political divisions...
A New Map of North Am...shewing all the New Discoveries 1798
A new map of North America agreeable to the latest discoveries
A new map of North America from the latest authorities
A new map of North America from the latest discoveries...
A new map of North America from the latest discoveries...1763
A New Map of North America, from the latest authorities
A new map of North America, from the latest authorities
A new map of North America, from the latest authorities.
A new map of North America, from the latest discoveries 1761
A new map of the whole continent of America...preliminaries of Peace..
A new map of the whole continent of America...Treaty of Peace, Paris...
Aboriginal map of North America denoting the boundaries...
Allgermeine Weltkarte auf welcher alle neue Entdeckagen...
Ame (rica). Shows Alaska, 49th parallel to Fitz Hugh Sd
Amer. Sep (sh 14,15,21,23,24,30,31,32+ index sht) see BC for 3 shts
America (North and South) (shows Western Territory)
America settentrionale divia ne suoi principali Stati
Americae Mappa generalis (N & S America)
Amerique Septentrionale PL. 89
Amerique septentrionale dressee par Herrison Geog.
Amerique Septentrionale dressee sur les relations...
Amerique Septentrionale par M. Bonne...
An accurate map of N. America describing & distingushing...
An accurate map of N.A. drawn from best modern maps & charts
An exact map of North America from the best authority
Arctic discoveries & explorations up to July 1853
Arctic regions with all the discoveries to 1853
Atlantic Ocean, showing communications...(NA railways to Pacific)
Bowles new four sheet map of the world on Mercators...
Bowles new one sheet map of North America, divided into it's kingdoms..
Bowles new one sheet map of North America, divided into it's provinces...
Br N.A. Ex Ex, country btwn Red R. Settlement & Rocky Mtns..
British America The illustrations by H. Warren (state #1?)
British America The illustrations by H. Warren...(state #?
British America to illustrate the Charter of the Hudson's Bay Co.
British America. The illustrations by H Warren...(state #?)
British America. The illustrations by H. Warren...(state #?
British America. The illustrations by H. Warren...(state #?
British Colonies in North America from the best authorities
British Colonies in North America. (inset of B.C.)
British North America (state # 9 CV?)
British North America (state #8 CV?)
British North America (state # 4 CV?)
British North America (state # 5 or 6 CV?)
British North America (state #13 CV?)
British North America (state #?)
British North America Last state?( State #15 CV?)
British North America (shows bdry, trading posts, routes, prop police stns)
British North America (state #12 CV?)
British North America (St #1?)+34,37,40,44,46,52,54,58,63,72
British North America, engraved by J. Wilson Lowry
British North America. (state #3 CV?) (boundary ends at Rockies)
British North America. Sharpes Corresponding Map
British North America. (show loc Franklin relics)
British North America; Hudson's Bay Comp...
British possessions in America
British possessions in Anerica; from Arrowsmith's map of Am.
British Possessions in N America from Mr. Arrowmith's map...
British Possessions in N America from Mr. Arrowmith's map...
British Possessions in North America
British Possessions in North America
British possessions in North America.
British, Russian and Danish possessions in North America
Canada and Arctic regions of North America
Carta de l'Amerique septentrionale, par M. Brue
Carte de l'Amerique et des mers voisines.
Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale...Cook,Mackenzie Vancouver. Laperouse
Carte de la Partie Occidentale des Etats Unis...
Carte encyprotype de l'Amerique septentrionale...
Carte physique et politique de l'America septentrional, par A.H. Brue
Chart of the Pacific Ocean drawn from...add to 1844 (state#)
Collins Proposed Overland Telegraph via Behring's Strait
Colton's new railroad & county map of the U.S, the Canadas..
Colton's North America. #15 of an Atlas
Das britische Nord Amerika or Britisches Nord-America
Der noerdliche Theil des Grossen Welt Meeres nach den...
Emigrant's railway guide map of North America
Ethnographical map of North America in the earliest time...
Fredonia, or the United States of North America...western territory
Freedonia, or the U.S of North America...
Gall and Inglis's map of North America
General map of North America, showing the route -Lord Milton
General map of the North Pacific States...mail, gold, topo..
General map to accompany report Intercont. RR exploring 1864
Geographical map of America. No XIII
Geographical, historical and statistical map of America.
Geographical, historical, and statistical map of America.
Geographical, historical, and statistical map of America.
Geographical, statistical and historical map of America
Geographical, statistical, and historical map of North America
Goldthwait's map of North America. Exhibiting the railroads
Hydrographical chart of the World on Wright or Mercators...
Hydrographical chart of the world on Wright or Mercators...
Inset map of NA (from Map of BC showing the gold District)
Isothermal Chart of the region N. of 36th.(Railroad survey)
Johnson's North America (shows BC as BC)
Johnson's North America (shows BC as New Caledonia)
Johnsons Map of North America (shows main railways)
Karte des nordens von America, zur Beurtheilungder...
Karte des nordlichsten America...(Cook, Hearne, Mackenzie)
L'America divisa ne' suci principali stat ; di nouva projesione
L'Amerique Divisee en sen principaux etats
L'Amerique divisee en sen principaux etats...
L'Amerique divisee en sen principaux etats...
L'Amerique divisee par grands etats.
L'Amerique septentrionale divisee en ses principaux etats
L'Amerique suivant Le R.P Charlevoix, Mr de la Condamine...
L'Amerique. Dressee pour l'etude de la geographie...Mr. Brion
Map Country to be Crossed by proposed Waggon Rd & Telegraph
Map of America (1822 ed rev to 1824)
Map of America (tree cartouche) (a wall chart)
Map of America, or the new world, wherein are introduced...
Map of America...40-70'N...principal trading stations NW Co
Map of America...40-70'N...principal trading stations...North West Co.
Map of British North America drawn by J. Arrowsmith
Map of British North America to illustrate...Capt Synge
Map of Canada & the Northern part of Lousiana w adj countrys
Map of Canada and part of US (Western 1/2) comp. From...
Map of Canada West showing post offices and mail routes;...
Map of European and North America Railway...connections 1871
Map of Indian Tribes of North America
Map of N. A. exhibiting the recent discoveries, geograph...
Map of N.A exhibiting the recent discoveries, geographical..
Map of N.A showing...political div...discoveries in polar...
Map of N.A. exhibiting recent disc. geographical & nautical
Map of N.A. shewing var methods...connect Atlantic & Pacific
Map of NA from 20'N to 80'N exhibiting latest discoveries...boundaries...
Map of North America (shows Kane's route etc)
Map of North America drawn by J. Arrowsmith
Map of North America drawn by J. Arrowsmith (rev from 1850 ed)
Map of North America showing all the new discoveries.
Map of North America, including all the recent geographic discoveries
Map of North America. 1858 ed with areas to cede to 1864
Map of North America. Ordered by Hs of Commons 12 July 1850
Map of North America...with considerable alterations from D'Anville...
Map of Projected Overland Railroad through British N.A.
Map of routes for a Pacific acc report to Hon. J. Davis
Map of the British Possessions in North America (state#)
Map of the countries round the North Pole
Map of the country between Lake Superior and Vancouver Is...
Map of the country from Lake Superior to Pacific...E Bdry of B.C.
Map of the country...Lk of the Woods to Rocky Mtns (+bdry +passes)
Map of the Interior of North America.
Map of the Lands around the North Pole
Map of the N.W. parts of America, with the utmost respect...
Map of the North Pacific Railroad and tributary country.
Map of the north west part of Canada, Hudson''s Bay & Indian Terr..
Map of the north west part of Canada, Hudson's Bay & Indian Terr...
Map of the north west part of Canada, Hudson's Bay & Indian Terr...
Map of the Overland & Ocean North American Mail Routes
Map of the proposed N. Route for a Railroad to the Pacific
Map of the U.S, including Oregon, Texas, Cal. showing boundary claimed
Map of the United States of America and Nova Scotia...
Map of the United States with the contiguous British and Spanish poss.
Map of the World (inset St Juan de Fuca)
Map of the Yukon or Kwich-Pak River (inset of N. Pacific)
Map of world. Recent discoveries
Map showing route by Road & Navigation...Atlantic & Pacific
Map...Country from Lake Superior to Pacific Ocean...Boundary
Mercator's projection, with the Great Circle or air lines...
N. America and the West Indies
N.America. Drawn & engraved for Ewing's General Atlas
New Map of North America agreeable to the latest discoveries
New map of North America shewing...the new discoveries 1797
New world or western hemisphere
New World or Western hemisphere (has Cook's tracks)
Nord Amerika entw. u gez von C.G. Reichard
Nord Amerika entw. u gez von C.G. Reichard 1818 Revidire 1823
North America (from Arrowsmiths large map)
North America (BC as Russian & New Hanover & United States)
North America Engraved by Sidney Hall
North America (shows Franklin route?) \(shows Columbia River boundary)
North America (shows Stoney Mtns and Western Territory)
North America Engraved by S. Hall (state #?)
North America Engraved by S. Hall (48.5 x39.2 cm)
North America Engraved by S. Hall (22 x 17.2 cm)
North America (shows Br Poss, Russ Poss, New Caledonia etc)
North America (shws boundaries of Alaska, Mexico, Cal. etc)
North America as divided amongst the European powers...
North America by Edwd. Weller FRGS (with inset of B.C.)
North America drawn and engraved by J. W. Lowry
North America from the best authorities
North America from the best authorities
North America from the best authorities (state#?)
North America from the best authorities (state #?)
North America including British Columbia...Frazer...Gold...
North America including the most recent disc...Arctic, West
North America, drawn and engraved for Dr. Playfair's Geography
North America, drawn under the direction of Mr. Pinkerton.
North America, from Arrowsmiths large map..
North America, published under supervision Soc Diffusion Useful Know.
North America. The illustrations by J Marchant
North America. (with BC as New Columbia)
North America: engraved by S. Hall (19 X 25 cm)
North America; drawn from the latest & best authorities; by T. Kitchin
North America; Young & Delleker sc.
North polar regions. (Inset Vancouver Island)
Northern America. British, Russian & Danish Possessions
Northern Hemisphere projected on the plane of...London
Noth America (with Indian tribes and forts)
Nouvelle Carte Illustree d l'Amerique du Nord (expl,veg,min)
Part of British America (from Gen Report 1867 no. 8 v1 no.5)
Part of North America shewing the Proposed Line of Railway
Proposed British Emigrant & Postal Rt from Canada-N Pac Colony
Proposed Pacific Railroad routes (on Arrowsmith BNA 1832 map
Proposed Telegraph Line -Ft Garry to the Rocky Mtns
Rough tracing of part of Br. Am. to accompany letter..Grt Nat Highway
Saskatchewan rivers & Rocky mountains; Routes of the BNW ExE
Sketch Map showing proposed communication...Canada & B.C.
Smith's new map of America, with recent explorations
Stanford's Library Map of North America (NW corner)
Statistical map of USA (showing prop Cdn RR to Bella Coola)
Statistical map showing area & population...practical route
The arctic regions of North America.
The Arctic shores of America and part of Asia...
The continent and islands of America, with all the discoveries to the...
The Dominion of Canada and North-West & Hudson's Bay...
The Northwest coast of North America and adjacent territories
The United States and the relative position of the Oregon and Texas
The United States and the relative position of the Oregon and Texas
The United States of North America with part of the British possessions
The United States of North America, with the Br territories
The world including discoveries made by Capt. Cook
The world, on Mercator's projection (State #?)
To the Honourable the Governor...HBC...this map...Atlantick and Pacifick
Toitus Americas septentrionale et meridionalis novissima...
Topographic section of the continent of North America...
Tracing includes Headwaters Columbia, Peace, Mackenzie
Tracing Northwest Coast, VCR & Span voyages
Track of Henry Warre's Journey to Oregon Country (return rt)
United States (shows Western territory)
United States (shows 54-40 bdry)
Unknown coast of North America
Western Portion of Br.N.A showing the route...Milton/Cheadle
[Profiles and sections of area covered] Sht 4 & 9