The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.
Interior & Southern B.C.
A General Map of the routes in BNA explored...1857,1858,1859,1860...
British Columbia. Columbia R, part of (near U&L Arrow Lks)
Country between the Red River settlement and the Rocky Mtns
Expl...Trail to Kootanais 1865 (Bdry Ck -Koot R.=Dewdney Tr)
Explorations for trail to Kootenais. Christina L.-Columbia R
Kootanie Trail. Boundary Ck-Ft Shepherd (later Dewdney Trail
Map illustrating Capt. Blackiston's water route 1857 and route 1859...
Map of the country explored from Oct 1857 to Dec 1858 (I/7 det rt maps)
Map to accompany report Bdy Comm-Kootenay
Plan of Columbia R expl by Mr Jenkins 1864 (Big Bend)
Plan of Claim of Ft Shepherd B.C. on the Columbia River
Plan of Columbia R Dist showing rts..Moberly,Green,Turnbull
Rough chart of the Columbia R. from head of navigation...
Route travelled by Mr Dewdney & party (Midway-L Arrow Lk)
Routes of the British North American Exploring Exp...1858-59
Sketch map part of the Rocky Mtns sh Lord Southesk's route Aug-Sept 1859
Sketch map showing the routes...Palliser & Mr. Sullivan 1859
Sketch No 2. to acc Capt Blakistons report on Interior of NA
Sketch of /proposed route to Kootenay from Columbia R
Sketch showing the course of Kotenais River from junction with Columbia
The Kootanie & Boundary Passes...explored 1858...Blakiston
Topo. Lower & Upper Arrow +Kootenay Lk
Trail to Kootanie from Ft Shepherd (rough draft & fair copy)
Trails in the Crowsnest Pass area
Untitled sketch, Kootenay & Columbia R, Wild Horse Ck-Big Bend