The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.
Coastal & Northern B.C.
...line of road fr 17-28 mi. post on Quesnelle & Richfield R
B.C. Elevations of some of the trails in Cariboo
B.C. Sketch of Trails from Lytton & Lillooet to Alexandria..
B.C. Sketch of Trails from Lytton & Lillooet to Alexandria..
Country between Richfield & Tete Jaune Cache ... telegraph
Map of Cariboo & Omineca Gold fields & the routes thereto...
Map of Cariboo & Omineca Gold fields & the routes thereto...
Outline map of part of British Columbia. From Palmer Sp 63/2
Pl Shewing prop site of ground app for by Horsefly Mining Co
Plan of Antler Creek for the Antler Ck Bedrock Flume Co.
Plan of exploration from the Waggon Rd (111-mile house) to Clearwater
Plan of Jack of Clubs Lk "No 6" also "18"
Plan of Meadow on Little Deep Creek
Plan of proposed rock flume, Lowhee Ck.(petition, includes claims)
Plan of Williams Creek, Cariboo, and ground occupied for mining...
Plan Williams Creek Bed Rock Flume. Burns Tunnel-Steels Dam
Proposed line of Rd, 108 Mi, Horsefly &... to the Quesnelle
Proposed line, road from 108 mi to Antler
Proposed Waggon Road from Quesnelle to Alexandra
Reconnaissance Sketch of part of Cariboo (from 1863/60 RE)
Reduced sketch of part of BC (Quesnel area) to acc Desp #33,2 May 1861
Sketch -proposed Hay Ranche 8 mi from Cottonwood
Sketch map from S of Williams Lk to McLeese Lk sh alt routes
Sketch Map of Cariboo & Quesnelmth by Chief Justice Begbie 1869
Sketch map Quesnelle R. to Willow R. and mine
Sketch map, Forks of Quesnel & Fraser R.
Sketch of part of BC by Palmer (Ft Alexander to Ft George)
Sketch of the Cariboo mines by Mr F. Black 1862/85=tracing
Sketch Shewing Govt Res. in the Quesnel Dist "10"
Sketch to accompany report 16 Sept 1862 (Lill- Lac la Hache)
Sketch to accompany report 18 Nov 1862 re waggon road Alexander- Richfield
Sketch, plan Quesnel R. from Fraser R. to Quesnel Lk
The Gold Regions of the Fraser River & Cariboo Country
Trails & river Xing, Cottonwood House
[Annotated plan of country upsrteam from Quesnel Town, toll bridge
[Cariboo Land District records. Lot registers Coast Dist R3, Peace R,Quesnel