The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.
B.C. & North America
BC (New Caledonia) & Van Is 2 separate maps.Updated 1865
BC. Vancouver Is. & part of US
British Columbia (Anglican Church, Diocese Map, Ann. Report
British Columbia & Vancouver Island. (one map)
British Columbia & Vancouver Island. (one map)
British Columbia (from Parsons report N West-Lac la Hache
British Columbia (General map of SW BC incl Van Is Sht 2+5)
British Columbia (New Caledonia)
British Columbia (New Caledonia) & Vancouver Is. (2 maps).
British Columbia (New Caledonia) & Vancouver Is. (2 maps).
British Columbia and Vancouver Island (state #?)
British Columbia and Vancouver Island (state#?)
British Columbia and Vancouver Island. (incl Van. Is Ex Ex)
British Columbia, red. copy...Gov Douglas Desp. 16 July 1861
British Columbia, Vancouver Is. (incl Palliser rt) (state#1?
British Columbia, Vancouver Island &...(shows disputed terr)
British Columbia. Carriage rds completed...(Stekin Terr-62')
British Columbia. Carriage roads completed...w ext to Lk Winnipeg
British Columbia...frm Adm, RE, Arrow, Palliser
British Columbia.Variant edition (shows wagon rd Ft Edmonton
British North America. Sht 3 Pacific Coast, B.C. and Van Is.
British North America. Sht 3 Pacific Coast. BC and Van. Is.
Carte de la Columbie Brittanique & de l' lle Vancouver
Collage of Begbie's travels (N West to Columbia R & Cariboo)
Edmonton to Jasper House and Yellowhead Pass PL. 27
Emigration map of British Columbia
Guide Map to the Big Bend Mines... (includes most of B.C.)
Ile de la Riene Charlotte. Sh 30 Amer Sep.(with ext notes on Mexico)
Juan de Fuca Strait to the Pacific Ocean PL. 56
Kamloops to New Westminster PL. 46
Karte eines theils von Britisch Columbia
Karte von Britisch-Columbia (fruher New Caledonia). Van I...
Laurie's map of the North-West showing surveys now made...
Map of a portion of BC compiled from Royal Navy & Royal Eng
Map of B. C. compiled & drawn by J. B. Launders...May 8 1870/Trutch
Map of B. C. compiled & drawn by J. B. Launders/ Trutch
Map of B.C. & Vancouver Is. denoting gold & coal districts
Map of B.C. to the 56th Parallel...additions to Jan 1871 /Trutch
Map of British Columbia & Vancouver's Island 2nd Ed
Map of British Columbia and Vancouver's Island. 1st Ed.
Map of British Columbia reduced from the original map...
Map of Colony of New Caledonia & Br. & Am. Terr W of Rocky..
Map of part of BC (showing 2 routes to Cariboo goldfields)
Map of part of the Province of BC (shows Collins rt N. West to Ft Stager)
Map of the colony of B.C. and the British & American Terr...
Map of the Dom. of rt traversed by Fleming 1872
North America. Sketch map of part of British Poss. west of Rocky Mtns
North America:... British Possessions West of the Rocky Mtns
Nouveau Cornouailles. Sh 24 Amer Sep. (North of 54')
Part of B.C to illustrate the papers of Mr. Begbie...
Part of BC. Disp #33 2 May 1861
Part of British Columbia & Vancouver Is, 1862
Partie de la Nouvelle Hanovre. Sh 31 Amer Sep (south of 54')
Phillip's Map of B.C. & Vancouver's Is with Frazer R gold diggings
Provinces of B.C & Van Is w portion of US & HBC Terr
Provinces of BC & Van Is, w portion of US & HB Terr (QC ins)state?
Provinces of BC and Van Is.w portion of US and HB Terr(QCI inset)state?
Reduced map of a portion of B.C compiled... R. Navy & R. Eng
Reduced map of a portion of B.C compiled...Royal Navy & R.E.
Route of telegraph line const & working Jany 1st 1866 (New West-Quesnel)
Route of telegraph line constructed & working Jany 1st 1866
SE Dist Vancouver Island by Pemberton (inset SE VI)
Skeleton Map BC to acc Parsons report (N West to Lac L Hache
Skeleton map of part of BC (diff? than 1870 map in handbk)
Sketch map of Vancouver Is and British Columbia 1862
Sketch map, trading exploration W of Alexandria
Southwest B.C and part of Washington Sh 2
Straits of Georgia and part of Vancouver Island PL. 52
The Champness Map of BC & Cariboo Mining Dist
The North West Territory, showing B. C., Vancouver Island..
The Provinces of BC and Van Is. Later ed of Arrowsmith 1859 & 62 state?
Thompson River District (pub RE 1861 from Black's 1835 map)
Unfinished Index map SW BC for future 2in = 1 mile
Unfinished map of BC 10 mi=1 in. 7 parts, 1-6+3A
Wyld's map of British Columbia. Reference to gold deposits..
Yellow Head Pass to Kamloops PL. 34
[Endorsed Northern boundary BC] (proposed Stikine,Liard & Pelly Rivers)
[Map of British Columbia to Peace R. w inset "Reduced Plan"]
[Map of British Columbia] by A. Waddington. (ms for RGS 1868/14?)
[Tracing NW Coast Am, Van Is, noting differentiated surveys]