The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.
Coastal & Northern B.C.
#01 Map showing the position of the mound prairies...
#02 Sketch of the counrty betwwen Skagit, Okinakene & Columbia River
#02 Sketch of the country btwn Skagit, Okinakane & Columbia R
#03 Sketch of reconnaisance for a wagon road...
#04 Recon. of divide btwn Chiloweyuck & Nooksak Rivers, June 1859
#04 Reconnaissance between Chiloweyuck & Nooksak Rivers, June 1859
#05 Map of Snohomish Trail by J.F. Blanshard, explored June 27, 1860
#06 Sketch of Reconnaissance of May 1860 (Osoyoos/Colville area)
#07 Sketch of Reconnaissance of August 1860 (Osoyoos/Colville area)
#08 Reconnaissance route from Camp Kishenehn to Lake E of Rocky Mtns
#09 Reconnaissance of part of the Skagit River, July 1858
#100 Chilliwack Depot to Camp Sumass
#101 Sumas Trail to Chu-che-hum (Cultus Lake)
#102 Camp Skagit to Camp Pasayten
#103 Trail to camp Chu-che-hum
#104 Camp Similkemeen to Camp Nehoailpitku (Kettle River)
#107 Down Columbia and Nehoilpeten to Colville Depot
#108 Colville Depot to Sinyakwateen (Pend'Oreille Lake)
#109 From Tasneakea? To parallel
#11 Sketch of the country between Pt Roberts & Ft Colville (incl Kamloops)
#110 Arklow? To Camp mooyie and cache
#111 Whatcomb Trail between Chilliwack River and brigade trail
#12 Progress sketch, NW BDY Survey. (Pt Roberts to Mt Baker)
#12-2 [Rough sketch of area surrounding Bellingham Bay to Fraser R.
#13 Traverse line form Keshenehm to Akamina
#14 Country between Fraser & Columbia rivers from a HBC map
#15 Line of Military Road from Steilacoom to Bellingham Bay
#17 Reconnaissance of Similkameen River. Aug 1859.
#18 Map of area in vicinity of Thompson's and Fraser's rivers, shows HBC tr.
#19 Area between Fraser & Skagit Rivers surveyed by Custer in 1859
#20 Trail between Forts Colville and Walla Walla R.W Haig, British Atry
#21 Area between Lake Pond' Oriell and the Rockies showing flooded...
#22 Trails between camps Tummeahal & Chilouweyuck. Correction nr Slesse
#23 [Trails in vicinity of Noosack River] (Semiahmoo to Sumas Lk)
#25 [Panel of profiles in vicinity of Camp, Lake and River Sumas]
#26 [rough map of headwaters of Skagit River] (Indian names from Gibbs)
#27 Indian sketch (includes Fraser, Chilliwack, Skagit, Nooksack rivers)
#28 Map of area in vic. of 49th par btwn Pt Roberts & Columbia R. Capt.Haig
#29 Map of Fraser River by Capt. Haig.
#30 [Map of Fraser River] 2 shs (shows trails & portage to Ft Langley)
#31 Chilouweyuck River and vicinity
#33 Chilouweyuck Depot and vicinity
#34 Routes between Colville Depot and Clarke's fork of the Columbia
#35 Sketch of reconnaisance from Colville Depot to crest of Rocky Mountains
#36 Survey from Camp Statapoostin to Fort Shepherd
#41 Sheets covering Skagit River
#42 Camp Kootenay and vicinity
#44 Plot of Nooksak River, Scale 1/16000 (5 shts)
#45 Routes along boundary (Idaho area)
#46 Routes and trails near Gallatin City, Idaho
#47 Mt. Kishenehna. Routes in vicinity of. (near Rockies)
#48 Maps of Lake Chilouweyuck (2)
#50 Sketch of Pitts River or Kehtsie
#51 Sketch of the country between Sumas Lk & Chiloweyuk R.
#52 Chiloweyuck River & vicinity
#53 Camp Chiloweyuck and vicinity
#54 Route between Camp Nehoailpitku (Kettle R.) and Camp Staypoostin
#57 Route between Lake Osoyoos and Camp Nehoialpitkwu
#58 Puget Sound, Sumas, and Fraser River
#61 Map of Chuch-che-hum River & vicinity (shows Whatcom Trail)
#63 Road to Walla Walla Ft. Steilacom
#64 Country btwn Harrison Lk & Fraser R. incl Fts Hope, Yale
#65 Route between Fort Walla Walla and Fort Okenaken
#66 Pasayten River area. Corrected maps
#67 Route between Singakivaleen depot and Mooyie River
#70 Ashinolaou River and vicinity
#71 Sketches of terminus of boundary at Gulf of Georgia
#73 Camp Kootenay and vicinity
#74 Triangulation. Gulf of Georgia
#75-80 Other unidentified sketches
#75-80-1 Sketch maps of Gardner's recon Aug 25-Sept 2,1857 2shts
#75-80-2 Sketch maps of Custers recon. June 7-24, 1858
#81 Survey between Pasayten Cache and Similkameen
#82 Surveys betwee Colville and Singikwateen
#83 Guide lines Semiahmoo to Sumass
#84 Survey between Singikwateen Depot, Chulenta? and Kootenay
#85 Surveys from Siveltea Lake to Jumeahai (Tomeahoy) Station
#86 Surveys in vicinity of Colville Depot
#87 Camp Pasayaten to Camp Similkameen
#88 Surveys between Chiloweyack Depot and Lake Sumass
#90 Skagit River and Camp Skagit
#92 Camp Skagit to Camp Pasayten
#94 Kootenay Cache to Chelennsa?
#95 Camp Shatafoosten, Camp Columbia and Colville Depot
#96 Statafoosten to Camp Columbia
#97 Columbia River below Kettle Falls
#98 Camp Nehoualpetque? to Camp Statafoosten
#99 Sketch of survey from Camp Chuch-che-hum to Camp Skagit
Boundary between B.C and the United States (mostly Indian place names)
Map of Western Section (General detailed map compiled later)
US Index Map showing the limits of the detailed sheets...(9)
US Part 1. Eastern and Western sheet
US Part 2. Sh 1. Camp Akamina to Camp Kootenay East
US Part 2. Sh 10. Cape Flattery to Barclay Sound
US Part 2. Sh 2. Camp Kootenay East to Camp Kootenay West
US Part 2. Sh 3. Camp Kootenay West to Ft Shepherd & Columbia R.
US Part 2. Sh 4. Fort Shephard to Camp Osoyoos
US Part 2. Sh 5. Camp Osoyoos to Camp Pasayten
US Part 2. Sh 6. Camp Pasayten to Camp Sumas
US Part 2. Sh 7. Camp Sumas to Point Roberts
US Part 2. Sh 8. San Juan Islands plus SE Vancouver Island.
US Part 2. Sh 9. Strait of Juan de Fuca to Callum Bay
US Part 2. Index sht plus 10 sheets east to west 1:120,000
US Part 3. plus 7 numbered and unsigned maps,Rockies to west
US#1. Misc survey books, journals etc adjacent areas. 6 maps
US#2 112 maps of border & adj areas. (listed by # above)
US#4 100-600 more MS maps here?
[4 shts counrty near boundary line Skagit, Okanagan area] (2 North, 2 south)
[Tracing of rivers and trails, Semiahmoo to Fraser plus Whatcom Lk.