The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.

Coastal & Northern B.C.



A chart of the discoveries made by the late Capt. Cook &...

A chart of the discoveries made by the late Capt. Cook &...

A chart sh the tracks...Capt Cook Capt Clerke 1777,78,79,80

A general chart exhibiting the disc...Cook...1st,2nd,3rd voy

A general chart exhibiting the discoveries made by Cook...

A general chart exhibiting the discoveries made by Cook...

A map of America, or the New World, wherein are...

A map of the countries thirty degrees round the North Pole

A map of the discoveries made by Capts Cook and Clerke...

A map of the discoveries made by Capts Cook and Clerke...

A map of the discoveries...Capts Cook and Clerke..1776-1779...Hearne

A map of the world with the latest discoveries.

A new & accurate chart...discoveries made by the late..Cook

A new & complete chart of the world, dis.tracks of Capt Cook

A new accurate chart of the discoveries made...Cook & others

A new and accurate map of the world comprehending...

A new general chart of the world, exh disc...1st,2nd,3rd voy

A new general chart of the world...disc...Cook...also Phipps

A plane chart of the world on Mercator's proj...tracks...

America, North and south, with the latest discoveries...

Amerique ou Indes Occidentales, avec les nouvelles decouvertes...

Amerique ou Indes Occidentales, avec les nouvelles decouvertes...

Amerique ou Indes Occidentales, avec les nouvelles decouvertes...

Asia and its islands according to d'Anville...Cook, Vancouver, Peyrouse

Bowle's new one-sheet map of North America, divided into its provinces...

Carta generale para les navagaciones a la India Oriental...

Carte d'Amerique, dressee pour l'instruction par...Delisle

Carte d'Amerique, dressee pour l'usage du roy, par G.Delisle

Carte de l'ocean Pacifique au nord de l'equateur et des Cotes...

Carte de la cote NO America et NE Asia...1778,79(Nootka ins)

Carte de la Mer Pacifique.. with Meares routes & rt of Grey

Carte des nouvelles decouvertes State #?

Carte montrant la route suivie par M. Cook en 1776,1777...

Carte reduite des Parties Commues du Globe...plans et Journaux...

Carte..cote N.O De L'Amerique...Asia...1778 Cook 1788 Meares

Catre de la costa N.O de l'Amerique et...cote N.E de l'Asia.

Catre des Decouvertes Faites par les Russes et...Cook...Mer du Sud

Chart of Norton Sound and Bherings Strait

Chart of the N.W. coast of America...MS chart...Russians.

Chart of the NW Coast (with tracks of Gray)...& further expl

Chart of the NW Coast of America & NE...1778,1779...Russians

Chart of the NW Passage between Asia and America.

Chart of the World

Chart of the world on Mercator's projection, exhibiting...

Chart on Mercators projection exh tks Maldonado, de Fonte...

Chart...N.W. coast...& N.E. coast...1778,1779 add Delarochet

Cht New Coast of Am. & New Coast of Asia (shows Bering etc)

Kaart van den Mond van Norton...en van Bhering...Asien...Am.

Karte von de noord west kust van Amerika...& NE...Asia 1778 and 1779

Karte von den NW Amerikanischen und N. OE Asiatischen...

L'America septentrionale divisee en les principaux etats.

Map of the discoveries made by Capts Cook & Clerke...1778,79

Mapa general de America o hemisferio occidental que...

Mapamundi o descripcion de todo el mundo...

Mappe-monde geo-hydrographique...par le Sr Sanson...

Maury's Wind and Current charts. Track charts of N. Pacific Nos.2-11

New & accurate map of N.A...newly disc islands NE coast Asia

North America

North America with the West Indies... (incl Dixon disc)

North America, with the latest discoveries; by Wm Faden

Nouvelle carte de la partie septentrionale du globe..Kamchatka.California.

Plan charta tilhorande underrattelsen om Captn Cook sista uptackter

The basin of the Pacific

The world on Mercator's projection shewing voyages...Cook

Unknown Coast of NA

[Map of the world on a globular projection: Western hemis.]

References and Repositories Abbreviations