The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.
Interior & Southern B.C.
App for lease btwn Harrison & Douglas Lk
Barometric section from the Gulf Georgia to Lac la Hache
BC New Westminster to Lillooet from a general map in prep...
Explanatory sketch shewing both routes between Lillooet Lk & Cayoosh
Geological sections 1. Harrison-Lillooet 2. Harrison Lk.
Pemberton. Shows townsite, Lillooet Lake and Lillooet R est
Plan of Douglas & Lillooet Road
Plan of first or Lillooet portage from Douglas to Tenass Lk.
Plan of Lakes Anderson and Seaton, showing short portage...
Plan of Lakes Lillooet and Tenass
Plan of Route from New Westminster to Fountain in B.C...
Plan of the Fraser district from Seaton to Fountain
Plan proposed extension, Wagon road, Pt Pemb to Lill Lk(3)
Plan showing communication...Fort Langley to Douglas
Proposed improvements btwn Mile 6-7 1/2 Harrison-Lillooet Rd
Rough Sketch explorations -Bridge R to Tyaughton Ck
Rough sketch of New Pass from Cayoosh to Lk Lillooet
Rough Sketch of the Cayoosh Dist
Rough trace of unfinished geo map of rt New West to Fountain
Route proposed wagon rd. Pt Pemberton to 2 1/2 mi east
See Fur trade for two Anderson maps of this area
Sketch of part of B.C. by...Mayne (exped rt -Harrison,Fraser,Thompson)
Sketch of part of BC showing trails & routes of comm (N. side Fraser R.)
Sketch of the 2nd or Birkenhead Portage...Pemberton to Anderson
Sketch of the country between Jervis Inlet and Port Pemberton
Sketch Seton Portage to Fraser R showing trails & proposed road
Sketch to accompany Dr Forbes Geological Sections Harrison L
Sketch to accompany report -exploration up Bridge R. fron Cayoosh