The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.
Coastal & Northern B.C.
British Columbia, Vancouver Island (State #2?)
British Columbia, Vancouver Island (state #3?)
Map of Vancouver Is and the adjacent...Van, Kellett, Simpson
Map of Vancouver Is. with adjacent coasts to illustrate..
Map of Vancouver Island and part of B.C.
Map of Vancouver Island to illustrate paper of Dr. C. Forbes
Van Is & Gulf of Georgia (plus inset of Vic & Esq Hbrs)
Vancouver Island (update of 1858-11,12)
Vancouver Island (#38 of an atlas, attached to #36)
Vancouver Island (with New Caledonia map) see 1858/11 BC
Vancouver Island and the Adjacent Coasts (with insets)
Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Vancouver's Island, published by James Wyld.
Vancouver's Island, published by James Wyld.
[Tracing of Vancouver's cht Fitzhugh Sd to C. Lookout incl Vancouver Is]