The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.
Coastal & Northern B.C.
Adm Cht #1917 Van Is & Adj Shores, showing Land Districts
Adm Cht #582 used to show lots in Quatsino Sound
Chemainus (not in original 16)
Comox (Port Augusta) (not in original 16 Land Dist)
Comox District (cadastral, shows lot no's and names)
Cowichan and Esquimalt Land Dist on Adm Cht No. 1917 Van Is
Highland District w inventory (not in original 16 Land Dist)
Index Map to explain the connection...District Maps, Van. Is
Lake District (shows lots and settlers)
Land Reserves on Adm Cht No. 580 NE part of Texada Is. 2 pts
Map of Cowichan Valley and Chemainus... 6 of the Eastern Land Dist.
Map of location of Mr. Wm Currans landed pre-emption (Saltspring Is)
Map of Pre-emptions, sales & reserves. Nan, Ced, Mtn, Cran
Map of SE Districts of Van Is. from Official Surveys (inset of Victoria)
Map of South Eastern Districts Vancouver Is.
Map of the Nanaimo Country, comprising 4 Land Districts
Map of the S.Eastern Dist of Van Is (with annot by Pierce re mining
Map of Vancouver Is. showing reserves. Map 1 May 1 1864 Res
Map showing lots Highland Dist S VI
Nanoose District (not in original 16 Land Dist)
Original plan of the settlement on the North Coast of Saltsping Isalnd
Plan of land taken up by WH Franklin Esq (Cedar)
Pre-emptions, reserves, Cow. LD =Som,Com,Quam,Cow,Chem,Shaw
Ref Pl Pre-emptions S VI. N&S San,Highland,Lake,Vic,Esq,Metchosin,Sooke
Sallas Is Official map 1860 tr by Cridge 1873 (Sidney Is)
Salt Spring Island. Early land survey, shows settlers names
Sooke District Allotments. Quantities. June 1854
Topo -Range 1-8, Somenos 3 shts
Vancouver Island Colony 2 in= 1 mile
[Individual re-emption records for west coast land (Van Is. & Gulf Is.)
[Pre-emptions on Comox Land District)shows names and lot no's 1862