The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.
Coastal & Northern B.C.
Cadastral Plan Town of Newcastle
Chart of Nanaimo Hbr & neighbouring coast (incl Newcastle Is
Coal works at Nanaimo & Newcastle Is.
Country around Nanaimo Hbr (fragment of tracing)
Expanation of sketch of proposed coal workings Newcastle Is
Geological sketch map of Nanaimo (#5 of a series)
Harewood Railway Plan. Sheet No 1. of 9 sheets
Line of proposed tramway at Departure Bay
Nanaimo Harbour and part of the surrounding country
Nanaimo Town site (tracing from Van Is Coal Co plan)
Official map of the town of Newcastle, V.I.
Outline of HBC land at Nanaimo
Outline of works and improvments at Nanaimo. May 1853
Plan of Gov't Reserve, Town of Nanaimo. (on Nan. Dist Map)
Plan of Government Reserve. Town of Nanaimo
Plan of land owned by HBC, Nanaimo
Plan of Nanaimo (with inset Plan of Hudson's Bay Co Land)
Plan of Nanaimo and coalmines (Palliser)
Plan of Nanaimo showing the coal mines from HBC. (4 insets)
Plan of Nanaimo, Vancouver Is. (part colored green reserved)
Proposed line Harewood Railway (on Mtn. Dist War Office Map)
Rough plan of Town of Nanaimo showing mines & transportation