The regional groupings presented here are from standard language used by libraries and reflect their groups used in classification systems for maps.
Coastal & Northern B.C.
#1 Area between Government Street and James Bay
#4 Beckley Farm, Beacon Hill Park, Straits of Fuca
#5 Church reserve and surrounding streets, Victoria
...a resurvey of 4 lots at Humboldt and McClure St, Victoria
A Plan of the Town of Victoria Shewing Proposed Improvements
Adm Cht #2840 Haro & Middle Channel with Victoria added
Beckley Farm (showing land unsold in 1861, London agreement)
Copy, Map of Subdivisions Beckley Farm & land S & W James B.
Craig Flower Farm (shows Ind. Res, Portage In. Esq Hbr)
Diagram lots, resurvey Puget Sd Agric Co grant to servants
Early town plan, Government Street & lots
Entrance of Esquimalt Hbr sh prop Light House on Fisgard Is
Esquimalt Dist Official Map (see Van Is Land Dist)
Esquimalt Harbour. Plan of allotments
Esquimalt Hbr from HMS Plumper to Sec Admiralty re defences
Ground plan, Government buillding on HBC, Vic.
Ground Plan...Vancouver Island establishment.
Land on Esq Hbr selected by HBC for wharf & warehouse...
Map of City of Victoria, Van Is
Map of Dist of Victoria & in Vancouver ID No 1..
Map of Hon'ble Hudsons' Bay Co's BC buildings at Victoria
Map of Prop belonging to Messrs Selleck & Rothwell, Esq Dist
Map of Saanich Peninsula and Finlayson Arm... (tattered)
Map of southern tip of Vancouver Is. from Sooke to Cordova B
Map of the City of Victoria, Vancouver Island
Map of the City of Victoria...numbered...from official map
Map of the Country around Esquimalt Harbour
Map of the Districts of Victoria & Esquimalt in Van Is.
Map of the Esquimalt or Langford Farm
Map of the Victoria District Vancouvers Island 1850.
Map of Victoria & part of Esquimalt District
Map of Victoria area incl Beacon Hill Pk
Map Subdivision of Beckley Farm.. Mactavish Chief Factor HBC
Map, Subdiv Beckley Farm, sh HBC Prop, lots sold or to Crown
Metchosin Dist Official map (see Van Is Land Districts)
Misc small lots Victoria & Esquimalt #1
Misc small lots Victoria, Esquimalt #5
Misc small lots Victoria, Esquimalt, Lake #2
Misc small lots Victoria, HBC, Reserves #3
Misc small lots Victoria, Sooke, Esquimalt #4
No. 2 Plan of Victoria District. Lot 24 Sec 18. Explanations
Official plan, City of Esquimalt (unfinished)
Old map Victoria Harbour or Town Plan of Fort Victoria?
Original sketch map Victoria Dist & part of Esquimalt
Peninsula occupied by the Puget Sound Company
Plan Government Reserve In Victoria (Portage Inlet)
Plan of Buildings on the Puget Sd Co's Farm at Esquimalt
Plan of Ft Victoria, Vancouver's Is, Cammusan Hbr
Plan of Indian Reserve at Victoria
Plan of James Bay Reserve, showing site orig Parliament Bldg
Plan of Lot 15,Bk..., situated on Wharf St. Copied from Tiedeman HBC
Plan of part of town of Victoria...showing town lots...
Plan of reserve of 1300 acres at Fort Victoria
Plan of reserve...Cadboro Bay (corners A,B,C,D,E,F)
Plan of Sooke District, Vancouver Island
Plan of Sooke District, Vancouver Island (Sooke to Pedder B)
Plan of the Fort and adjacent property. (Ft Victoria) .
Plan of the Indian Reserve at Esquimalt. 2 Maps, 1 w shading
Plan of the Subdivision of Metchosin District
Plan of Victoria and Esquimalt Districts, Vancouver Island
Plan, pt of Sec IV, Victoria Land Dist
Race Islands sh prop site for lighthouse on Great Race Rock
SE Part Van Is. Prop site for Lighthouses (Race & Fisgard)
Sketch of Cammusan Harbour...drawing by Scarboro Capt HBC
Small Sketch of claims by some settlers at Fort Victoria.
Sooke District Official map (see Van Is Land Districts)
Survey of part of Esquimalt Dist.
The Neighbourhood of Victoria drawn with reference to levels
The Public Park. (Beacon Hill with survey dimensions)
The Victoria Incorporation Act. Schedule. Plan A
Town of Victoria V.I. Subdivision of Sec No 1 1863
Town of Victoria, showing proposed improvements. (partial)
Town of Victoria, Vancouver Is. from the Official Map
Vancouver Is. Grd Plan for new establishment (Ft Victoria)
Vancouver's Island. Puget Sounds Company's Farms...
Victoria & Esquimalt Railway, Book of Ref. & proposed plans
Victoria & Puget Sound (Esquimalt) Districts...
Victoria & Puget Sound Districts Sheet #1 (Vic-Oak Bay)
Victoria & Puget Sound Districts Sheet #2 (Cad Bay-Lk Hill)
Victoria & Puget Sound Districts Sheet #3 (Esq Hbr-Albert H)
Victoria Dist Sec 1 Lot 2 (Clover Point Foul Bay area)
Victoria District (scale 4 inches to one mile)
Victoria District. Lot No 128 (school, church, park reserve)
Victoria Harbour (Adm Ch #1897B with lots) "27"
Victoria Harbour Adm Cht No. 1897b with town streets
Victoria Hbr, by Officers of HMS Plumper. Soundings,dredging
Victoria Town ( 6 maps ) 3 o/h P.O., Church Res, Hbrmaster
Victoria Town Incomplete. (Shows Fort)
Victoria Town. Incomplete . See note
View of Victoria, Vancouver Island
Water supplies at Esquimalt, the Saanich Inlet & Cowitchin..
[ Esquimalt, Craigflower, Constance C. Viewfield farms
[Indian reserve, Victoria]...true...copy..Town map 1855 Tr.
[Land survey S of James Bay, site for Parliament Bldg]
[Map showing Haro Strait & Cordova Bay]
[part of Esquimalt District] unfinished
[Plan of waterfront lot, Victoria, at Store & Johnson Sts.
[Proposed road bridge across James Bay]
[Sketch of land grant in Vancouver Is to Puget Sound Agric. Co
[unfinished map of S. tip of Van. Is...Sooke to Cordova Bay]
[West shore, Saanich inlet, showing Goldstream, Shawhigan Llk, whaling